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Equal Beauty CodeChef SnackDown 2021 Round 1A

 Equal Beauty CodeChef SnackDown 2021 Round 1A Question The beauty of an (non-empty) array of integers is defined as the difference between its largest and smallest element. For example, the beauty of the array [2,3,4,4,6] is 6−2=4. An array A is said to be good if it is possible to partition the elements of A into two non-empty arrays B1 and B2 such that B1 and B2 have the same beauty. Each element of array A should be in exactly one array: either in B1 or in B2. For example, the array [6,2,4,4,4] is good because its elements can be partitioned into two arrays B1=[6,4,4] and B2=[2,4], where both B1 and B2 have the same beauty (6−4=4−2=2). You are given an array A of length N. In one move you can: Select an index i (1≤i≤N) and either increase Ai by 1 or decrease Ai by 1. Find the minimum number of moves required to make the array A good. Input Format The first line of input contains a single integer T, denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follow. Each ...

Temple Land CodeChef SnacKDown 2021 Beginner Practice Contest

 Temple Land CodeChef SnacKDown 2021 Beginner Practice Contest

CodeChef SnackDown 2021


The snakes want to build a temple for Lord Cobra. There are multiple strips of land that they are looking at, but not all of them are suitable. They need the strip of land to resemble a coiled Cobra. You need to find out which strips do so.

Formally, every strip of land, has a length. Suppose the length of the i-th strip is is Ni, then there will be Ni integers, Hi1, Hi2, .. HiNi, which represent the heights of the ground at various parts of the strip, in sequential order. That is, the strip has been divided into Ni parts and the height of each part is given. This strip is valid, if and only if all these conditions are satisfied:

  • There should be an unique 'centre' part. This is where the actual temple will be built. By centre, we mean that there should be an equal number of parts to the left of this part, and to the right of this part.
  • Hi1 = 1
  • The heights keep increasing by exactly 1, as you move from the leftmost part, to the centre part.
  • The heights should keep decreasing by exactly 1, as you move from the centre part to the rightmost part. Note that this means that HiNi should also be 1.

Your job is to look at every strip and find if it's valid or not.


  • The first line contains a single integer, S, which is the number of strips you need to look at. The description of each of the S strips follows
  • The first line of the i-th strip's description will contain a single integer: Ni, which is the length and number of parts into which it has been divided.
  • The next line contains Ni integers: Hi1, Hi2, .., HiNi. These represent the heights of the various parts in the i-th strip.


  • For each strip, in a new line, output "yes" if is a valid strip, and "no", if it isn't.


  • 1 ≤ S ≤ 100
  • 3 ≤ Ni ≤ 100
  • 1 ≤ Hij ≤ 100



1 2 3 2 1
2 3 4 5 4 3 2
1 2 3 4 3
1 3 5 3 1
1 2 3 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 2
1 2 2 1



Program Code in C++

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ll long long int
using namespace std;

int main() {
ll t;
    ll n,f=0;
    for(ll i=0;i<n;i++)
        ll s=0,e=n-1,c=1;
            if(arr[s]!=c ||arr[e]!=c){
return 0;

More Information

CodeChef is one of the largest online coding platform and SnackDown is one of it's of grandest programs held ever year. SnackDown is a global programming event that invites programmers all over the world to participate in India's most prestigious multi-round programming competition. SnackDown is open to everyone who has a knack in programming. 

This question that is Temple Land is of CodeChef SnackDown 2021 Beginner Practice Contest. Here you will get a brief explanation of the problem and after reading the explanation if you are still stuck and have no clue to understand the problem then you can visit the solution of the question given above.

Hope you learnt something from this explanation and solution. Code it guys, practice coding more and more.


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